- You're going to sweat A LOT!

Here's what you need to know before your first time in the hot room!
And thats absolutely normal.
The studio as well as your mat and towel are well equipped to handle your sweat :)
- You're safe
Our teachers are all professionally educated and experienced in the yoga styles that they teach.

- You're not alone
Every student and teacher at Bikram Hot Yoga Oslo has had a first class experience and we know what its like
the first time!

Here's some extra info about our studio in practice:
Come to the studio, 30 minutes before the class begins for your first class, this will give you time to meet the teacher and find your way around the studio. It will also give you a good opportunity to get into the heat and "adjust" before the class.
Our introductory offers are there to allow you to experience at least 2-5 classes without having to pay a drop in price each time as the first few classes can be quite mentally challenging.
We also believe that after 2-3 classes, the heat becomes less of an issue for your mind and allows you to get a little deeper and experience the physical postures.
You will need to have a yoga mat and a large towel that will cover your mat during the class, if you don't have this then you also have the opportunity to rent this from us at the studio.
You will need to have a yoga mat and a large towel that will cover your mat during the class, if you don't have this then you also have the opportunity to buy this from us at the studio.
If you plan to take a shower after class, remember to bring a towel to dry off with afterwards!
Bring a bottle of water to have with you during the class or buy a coconut water from the studio to keep your electrolytes balanced.
Our Studio is a mobile free zone... this is for the comfort and peace of all students who come to the studio to focus on themselves and their physical and mental health.
Most students will be wearing shorts, tights, training bras or tops that will allow the body to move freely.
We sell a variety of hot yoga clothing at our studio as well and you are most welcome to come in and take a look at what we offer.
Food consumption before the class
The best advice here is to not eat anything big 2-3 hours before the class begins.
You may find after a few classes that a banana or some nuts work as a snack before class but anything heavier than that could come right up to say hello during the class itself, so we suggest that you wait to heat a bigger meal afterwards.
Hydration is a pretty big deal when practicing hot yoga, and we advise that you remain hydrated for 12 hours before the class begins. This is as simple as drinking water gradually over the day. If your first class is in the morning, just make sure that you hydrate the night before and have a couple of glasses in the morning before you come.
This is a studio that is designed for everyone, meaning that every body of every shape, gender, religion, profession, colour and nationality are welcome here. We have created this space to be safe for everyone to explore themselves physically, mentally and emotionally.
You are welcome, just as you are.